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ÜDS Çıkmış Sorular etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

4 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 65, 66, 67, 68

65. – 68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

For almost 200 years, the idea of cosmic events affecting life on Earth was viewed as heretical by the church, which regarded catastrophe as proof of divine intervention, and as nonsense by the scientific establishment, which dismissed it as superstition. Yet in the end, the sheer weight of evidence has swept away all doubt about the reality of global catastrophes. Attempts to make scientific sense of the many legends of global catastrophes date back to the dawn of modern science itself, in the 17th century. Following the publication of Newton’s laws of motion and universal gravitation in 1687, Edmond Halley decided to apply them to the mystery of comets. By studying records of their appearance, Halley argued that the bright comets of 1456, 1531, 1607 and 1682 were in fact one comet, later known as the “Halley” comet, that followed a vast elliptical orbit around the Sun in agreement with Newton’s laws. But Halley noted something else as well: a comet crossing the orbit of the Earth might one day collide with us with devastating consequences.

65. According to the passage, Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation ----.

A) had no impact whatsoever on the rise of modern science
B) were approached skeptically by Halley and other contemporary scientists
C) helped Halley to identify the comet that bears his name
D) convinced Halley that catastrophes were in fact acts of divine intervention
E) were dismissed right away by the scientific establishment of his time

66. It is pointed out in the passage that, prior to the rise of modern science in the 17th century,----.

A) various studies had been made of comets, but Halley disregarded them all
B) the way people viewed cosmic events varied greatly
C) all kinds of learning had been subject to the approval of the church
D) the Earth had experienced several collisions with cosmic objects
E) attempts had been made to explain certain catastrophes with reference to gravitational laws

67. We learn from the passage that in the opinion of Halley, ----.

A) the mystery surrounding comets could never be cleared up
B) Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation needed to be further clarified and elaborated
C) the earlier appearances of the comet “Halley” had not been properly recorded
D) global catastrophes could be prevented through new scientific developments
E) a comet may, at some point in the future, strike Earth

68. It is clear from the passage that, in the past, the church ----.

A) regarded global catastrophes as acts of God
B) was particularly interested in the movements of comets
C) consistently banned any research into cosmic events
D) encouraged scientists to find ways of preventing global catastrophes
E) wished to suppress all thoughts of cosmic events

ingilizce ders çalışma

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 55


Soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Nyos is a crater lake formed by a volcanic eruption roughly five centuries ago. (II) In these lakes the gas saturates the bottom water. (III) It is one of many such lakes, found the world over in volcanic chains. (IV) It is, however, one of only two lakes known to have exploded. (V) And when it exploded a jet of gas-laden water rose 80 meters high and carbon dioxide filled the air.

A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V


A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 53


Soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Everyone knew that freezing rain could be bad, but what the researchers learned was frightening. (II) All aircraft designers are familiar with the challenge of icing. (III) Manufacturers must demonstrate that their aircraft are capable of flying safely in cold, wet conditions where they might ice up. (IV) In the US, those conditions are specified by the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) “Appendix C”. (V) This appendix clearly states the kinds of cold weather which an aircraft must be able to deal with.

A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V


A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 52


Soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Computer researchers predict that quantum computers will become a reality within 10 to 15 years. (II) However, these machines pose a security threat, because their ability to perform many calculations at once means they will be able to uncover the encryption keys that are, for practical purposes, untraceable by today’s “classical” conventional computers. (III) If that happens, people will be able to tap into cell phone calls. (IV) A quantum computer can represent a 0 and a 1 at the same time in a quantum bit (called a qubit). (V) Furthermore, secure e-commerce will be a thing of the past.

A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V


A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 51


Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

- They’re holding a young designers’ competition for designing a robot to put out a house fire.
- I think you mean to blow out a candle!
- ----
- But you are right. The final aim is, of course, to put out house fires.

A) Well, at this stage, that’s all they’re asking for.
B) Do you think they ever will?
C) That shouldn’t be too difficult. The real problem is to locate the fire.
D) If it could set off an alarm even, that would be useful, wouldn’t it?
E) Once a fire takes hold it becomes a major problem.


A) Well, at this stage, that’s all they’re asking for.
B) Do you think they ever will?
C) That shouldn’t be too difficult. The real problem is to locate the fire.
D) If it could set off an alarm even, that would be useful, wouldn’t it?
E) Once a fire takes hold it becomes a major problem.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 50


Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

- Do you think NASA’s emergency escape plan for space-bound astronauts will work?
- That’s hard to say. I suppose really it will depend on the kind of emergency that presents itself.
- ----
- Actually, the colour is a survival feature too. It makes a search for the crew easier.

A) It reminds one of science-fiction films, with everything neatly planned.
B) It seems a bit like a game to me. The suits are a brilliant orange colour.
C) The antigravity suit squeezes the legs to prevent blood from pooling in them.
D) Apparently shuttle bailout is a last resort, to be used only if landing becomes impossible.
E) Let’s hope the Challenger catastrophe is not repeated.


A) It reminds one of science-fiction films, with everything neatly planned.
B) It seems a bit like a game to me. The suits are a brilliant orange colour.
C) The antigravity suit squeezes the legs to prevent blood from pooling in them.
D) Apparently shuttle bailout is a last resort, to be used only if landing becomes impossible.
E) Let’s hope the Challenger catastrophe is not repeated.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 49


Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

- Have you read this book, Water Follies?
- No I haven’t; but I’ve heard a lot about it. It focuses on how much water is being wasted, doesn’t it?
- ----
- Good! It’s time someone took a firm stand against the waste.

A) That’s right. And it’s pretty critical of man for being so unconcerned about this waste.
B) No. It actually concentrates on ground water.
C) Yes. Most people seem to think ground water is boundless.
D) And the gold-mining industry is attacked for its vast “dewatering” operations.
E) And the consequences include dry rivers and land subsidence.


A) That’s right. And it’s pretty critical of man for being so unconcerned about this waste.
B) No. It actually concentrates on ground water.
C) Yes. Most people seem to think ground water is boundless.
D) And the gold-mining industry is attacked for its vast “dewatering” operations.
E) And the consequences include dry rivers and land subsidence.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 48


Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

- Is this the website you like best when it comes to scientific news?
- Yes, I suppose it is. It’s updated weekly and well-linked to related websites.
- ----
- That’s hard to say. So many scientific “facts” are being questioned these days.

A) Is it university-owned?
B) Does it keep up with recent developments?
C) What’s the level? College stuff?
D) From a scientific point of view, how reliable is it?
E) Does it cover all the sciences?


A) Is it university-owned?
B) Does it keep up with recent developments?
C) What’s the level? College stuff?
D) From a scientific point of view, how reliable is it?
E) Does it cover all the sciences?

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 47


Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.

- If you haven’t already read this account of Philip Morrison, make sure you do.
- ----
- That’s what impressed me most. He made important contributions in quantum electrodynamics among other things, and then gave courses on physics for poets!

A) Yes, I will. I’ve seen him on TV on several occasions, he’s both charming and amusing.
B) Yes, I intend to. What was it that impressed you?
C) I’ve already done so. The range of his interests and activities is amazing.
D) Did you realize he was an assembler of the first atomic bomb?
E) Of course. I was his student, you know, at Cornell University.


A) Yes, I will. I’ve seen him on TV on several occasions, he’s both charming and amusing.
B) Yes, I intend to. What was it that impressed you?
C) I’ve already done so. The range of his interests and activities is amazing.
D) Did you realize he was an assembler of the first atomic bomb?
E) Of course. I was his student, you know, at Cornell University.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 46


Soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Can coal ever become a friend of the environment? Coal-fired power stations supply half the electricity used in many industrial countries. ----. This, of course, is the most worrisome of the so-called “greenhouse gases.”

A) New ones will have to comply with the Clean Air Act
B) They are, however, responsible for 80% of the power industry’s emissions of carbon dioxide
C) Energy engineers are already talking about “clean coal” technology
D) Clean coal means different things to different people
E) Coal treatment and refining processes are rightly getting a lot of attention as well


A) New ones will have to comply with the Clean Air Act
B) They are, however, responsible for 80% of the power industry’s emissions of carbon dioxide
C) Energy engineers are already talking about “clean coal” technology
D) Clean coal means different things to different people
E) Coal treatment and refining processes are rightly getting a lot of attention as well

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 45


Soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Isaac Newton presented the earliest scientific definition of mass in 1687 in his landmark work Principium: “The quantity of matter is the measure of the same arising from its density and bulk conjointly.” That very basic definition was good enough for Newton and other scientists for more than 200 years. ----. In recent years, however, the why of mass has become a research topic in physics.

A) The laws of gravity predict that gravity acts on mass and energy
B) Most people think they know what mass is, but actually they understand only a very small part of what it entails
C) Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass known as their rest mass
D) Energy and mass are related, as described by Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2
E) They understood that science should proceed first by describing how things work and later by understanding why


A) The laws of gravity predict that gravity acts on mass and energy
B) Most people think they know what mass is, but actually they understand only a very small part of what it entails
C) Fundamental particles have an intrinsic mass known as their rest mass
D) Energy and mass are related, as described by Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2
E) They understood that science should proceed first by describing how things work and later by understanding why

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 44


Soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Traditionally, the study of planet formation has proved frustrating, as astronomers have never been sure whether their theories apply to other planetary systems. ----. Now, however, the observations of debris discs around stars of different masses and ages are helping to place our solar system in context.

A) Some discs look like gigantic versions of the rings of Saturn
B) Most of the discs, however, could not be seen directly
C) What the recent images show is wonderfully unexpected
D) This is because the solar system is the only known example of a planetary system
E) The dust particles probably result from collisions among asteroids


A) Some discs look like gigantic versions of the rings of Saturn
B) Most of the discs, however, could not be seen directly
C) What the recent images show is wonderfully unexpected
D) This is because the solar system is the only known example of a planetary system
E) The dust particles probably result from collisions among asteroids

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 43


Soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

The Kavli Foundation’s approach differs from the increasingly utilitarian focus of most funded research. ----. Kavli opposes this practice for he believes you have to be willing to fund science without knowledge of the benefits.

A) To obtain funding from any source, scientists must usually frame their ideas in the context of studies already completed and short-term impact
B) Knowledge about materials and processes in the universe could open up benefits that we can’t even imagine
C) In fact, the foundation pays for nondirected research in its three main areas of interest: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience
D) It is unrealistic of such agencies to expect these programmes to deliver useful tools and applications rapidly
E) The foundation has chosen disciplines that are already acknowledged as “growth” areas inscience


A) To obtain funding from any source, scientists must usually frame their ideas in the context of studies already completed and short-term impact
B) Knowledge about materials and processes in the universe could open up benefits that we can’t even imagine
C) In fact, the foundation pays for nondirected research in its three main areas of interest: astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience
D) It is unrealistic of such agencies to expect these programmes to deliver useful tools and applications rapidly
E) The foundation has chosen disciplines that are already acknowledged as “growth” areas inscience

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 42


Soruda boş bırakılan yere, parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Fragile ecosystems like the Arctic could face many more years of contamination from PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), despite international treaties banning their use. ----. An estimated 1.3 million tonnes of PCBs were made between the 1930s and 1990s around the world for use in the manufacture of pesticides, lubricants, and plastics. But an investigation to determine the fate of these PCBs has failed to locate most of them.

A) On the other hand, PCBs may be carried by wind to cold countries where they condense out in the cold air
B) Indeed, soils in temperate lands have captured most of the PCBs so far released into the environment
C) On the contrary, PCBs could pose a threat to polar bears for years to come
D) That is the conclusion of a study into the fate of PCBs manufactured worldwide during much of the 20th century
E) As a result, urban air contains more PCBs than rural air


A) On the other hand, PCBs may be carried by wind to cold countries where they condense out in the cold air
B) Indeed, soils in temperate lands have captured most of the PCBs so far released into the environment
C) On the contrary, PCBs could pose a threat to polar bears for years to come
D) That is the conclusion of a study into the fate of PCBs manufactured worldwide during much of the 20th century
E) As a result, urban air contains more PCBs than rural air

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 41


Soruda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz

The harder a material is, ---- ductile or workable it tends to be.

A) Scientists who specialize in studying Earth’s interior have long suspected that activity deep inside Earth is behind vertical changes at the surface.
B) Scientists studying Earth’s interior have come to the conclusion that what goes on deep inside Earth affects vertical changes at the surface.
C) It is generally agreed by scientists studying Earth’s interior that events deep inside Earth’s core influence vertical changes at the surface.
D) Scientists specializing in the study of Earth’s interior have long been aware of the fact that activity deep inside Earth may be responsible for vertical change at its surface.
E) Scientists specializing in happenings deep within Earth’s core have, for a long time, suspected a relationship between them and vertical changes at the surface.


A) Scientists who specialize in studying Earth’s interior have long suspected that activity deep inside Earth is behind vertical changes at the surface.
B) Scientists studying Earth’s interior have come to the conclusion that what goes on deep inside Earth affects vertical changes at the surface.
C) It is generally agreed by scientists studying Earth’s interior that events deep inside Earth’s core influence vertical changes at the surface.
D) Scientists specializing in the study of Earth’s interior have long been aware of the fact that activity deep inside Earth may be responsible for vertical change at its surface.
E) Scientists specializing in happenings deep within Earth’s core have, for a long time, suspected a relationship between them and vertical changes at the surface.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 40


Soruda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz

Aşağı yukarı aynı büyüklükte ve Güneş’e aynı uzaklıkta olan Dünya ve Venüs sıklıkla ikiz gezegenler olarak nitelendirilir.

A) It is usual to refer to Earth and Venus as twin planets as they are almost the same size and
distance from the Sun.
B) Since Earth and Venus are roughly the same size and distance from the Sun it is only natural that they should be regarded as twin planets.
C) Earth and Venus, being roughly the same size and distance from the Sun, are often regarded as twin planets.
D) It is because they are exactly the same size and distance from the Sun that Earth and Venus are known as the twin planets.
E) By the twin planets we mean Earth and Venus which are nearly the same size and are equidistant from the Sun.


A) It is usual to refer to Earth and Venus as twin planets as they are almost the same size and
distance from the Sun.
B) Since Earth and Venus are roughly the same size and distance from the Sun it is only natural that they should be regarded as twin planets.
C) Earth and Venus, being roughly the same size and distance from the Sun, are often regarded as twin planets.
D) It is because they are exactly the same size and distance from the Sun that Earth and Venus are known as the twin planets.
E) By the twin planets we mean Earth and Venus which are nearly the same size and are equidistant from the Sun.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 39


Soruda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz

Bilim adamları bir büyük depremin, bir sonrakinin zamanı ve yeri üzerinde kayda değer bir etkisinin olmadığını düşünürlerdi; fakat, son araştırmalar durumun böyle olmayabileceğine işaret ediyor.

A) Scientists used to think that there was no connection between one major earthquake and subsequent smaller ones, but new studies suggest there may be.
B) Formerly scientists thought that one large earthquake could not possibly affect the timing or location of the next, but recent research suggests it may.
C) Contrary to what scientists used to think, recent research suggests that a major earthquake may considerably affect the timing and location of subsequent earthquakes.
D) Recent research suggests that a major earthquake may influence the time and place of subsequent earthquakes though this has not been the traditional view of scientists.
E) Scientists used to think that one large earthquake had no notable influence on the timing or location of the next one but recent research suggests this may not be the case.


A) Scientists used to think that there was no connection between one major earthquake and subsequent smaller ones, but new studies suggest there may be.
B) Formerly scientists thought that one large earthquake could not possibly affect the timing or location of the next, but recent research suggests it may.
C) Contrary to what scientists used to think, recent research suggests that a major earthquake may considerably affect the timing and location of subsequent earthquakes.
D) Recent research suggests that a major earthquake may influence the time and place of subsequent earthquakes though this has not been the traditional view of scientists.
E) Scientists used to think that one large earthquake had no notable influence on the timing or location of the next one but recent research suggests this may not be the case.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 38


Soruda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

Entropy is a physical property like temperature and pressure, and measures how close a system has come to reaching stagnant “equilibrium”.

A) Sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan entropi bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığını ölçer.
B) Entropi sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özelliktir ve bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ne kadar ulaştığını ölçer.
C) Bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığı sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan entropi ile ölçülür.
D) Entropi hem sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel özellikler arasındadır hem de bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ne kadar ulaştığını belirlemede yardımcıdır.
E) Sistemlerin durgun” denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığını ölçen entropinin sıcaklık ve basınçla ortak olan yanı, fiziksel bir özellik olmasıdır.


A) Sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan entropi bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığını ölçer.
B) Entropi sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özelliktir ve bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ne kadar ulaştığını ölçer.
C) Bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığı sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel bir özellik olan entropi ile ölçülür.
D) Entropi hem sıcaklık ve basınç gibi fiziksel özellikler arasındadır hem de bir sistemin durgun “denge”ye ne kadar ulaştığını belirlemede yardımcıdır.
E) Sistemlerin durgun” denge”ye ulaşıp ulaşmadığını ölçen entropinin sıcaklık ve basınçla ortak olan yanı, fiziksel bir özellik olmasıdır.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 37


Soruda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

Though stars appear to the eye as single points of light, very many of them turn out to be double when seen through a telescope.

A) Teleskopla bakıldığında çift ışık olan yıldızların çoğu göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünür.
B) Çıplak gözle bakıldığında yıldızlar tek ışık noktası gibi görünür, çoğuna sadece teleskopla bakıldığında çift olduğu anlaşılabilir.
C) Göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünen yıldızlara teleskopla bakıldığında çoğunun çift olduğu gözlenir.
D) Yıldızlar çıplak gözle bakıldığında tek ışık noktası gibi algılansa da teleskopla bakıldığında aslında çift olduğu görülür.
E) Her ne kadar yıldızlar göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünse de pek çoğunun teleskopla bakıldığında çift olduğu ortaya çıkar.


A) Teleskopla bakıldığında çift ışık olan yıldızların çoğu göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünür.
B) Çıplak gözle bakıldığında yıldızlar tek ışık noktası gibi görünür, çoğuna sadece teleskopla bakıldığında çift olduğu anlaşılabilir.
C) Göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünen yıldızlara teleskopla bakıldığında çoğunun çift olduğu gözlenir.
D) Yıldızlar çıplak gözle bakıldığında tek ışık noktası gibi algılansa da teleskopla bakıldığında aslında çift olduğu görülür.
E) Her ne kadar yıldızlar göze tek ışık noktası gibi görünse de pek çoğunun teleskopla bakıldığında çift olduğu ortaya çıkar.

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 36


Soruda verilen İngilizce cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi bulunuz.

The findings of a ten-year study reveal that two species of seahorses have been living in the waters around Britain without anyone realizing they were there.

A) İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda daha önce onların orada yaşadığını kimsenin bilmediği iki tür denizatının olduğu on yıllık bir çalışmayla ortaya çıktı.
B) On yıllık bir çalışmanın bulguları İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda onların orada olduğunu hiç kimsenin farketmediği iki tür denizatının yaşamakta olduğunu gösteriyor.
C) İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda iki tür denizatının yaşadığını ilk kez ortaya çıkaran on yıllık çalışma bu türlerin hiç farkedilmediğini belirtiyor.
D) On yıllık çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda hiç kimsenin bilmediği iki tür denizatının yaşamakta olduğu bildiriliyor.
E) İki tür denizatı hiç kimseye belli etmeden İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda yaşarken on yıllık bir çalışma onları ortaya çıkardı.


A) İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda daha önce onların orada yaşadığını kimsenin bilmediği iki tür denizatının olduğu on yıllık bir çalışmayla ortaya çıktı.
B) On yıllık bir çalışmanın bulguları İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda onların orada olduğunu hiç kimsenin farketmediği iki tür denizatının yaşamakta olduğunu gösteriyor.
C) İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda iki tür denizatının yaşadığını ilk kez ortaya çıkaran on yıllık çalışma bu türlerin hiç farkedilmediğini belirtiyor.
D) On yıllık çalışmanın sonuçlarına göre İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda hiç kimsenin bilmediği iki tür denizatının yaşamakta olduğu bildiriliyor.
E) İki tür denizatı hiç kimseye belli etmeden İngiltere’nin çevresindeki sularda yaşarken on yıllık bir çalışma onları ortaya çıkardı.