Soruda verilen Türkçe cümleye anlamca en yakın İngilizce cümleyi bulunuz
Bilim adamları bir büyük depremin, bir sonrakinin zamanı ve yeri üzerinde kayda değer bir etkisinin olmadığını düşünürlerdi; fakat, son araştırmalar durumun böyle olmayabileceğine işaret ediyor.
B) Formerly scientists thought that one large earthquake could not possibly affect the timing or location of the next, but recent research suggests it may.
C) Contrary to what scientists used to think, recent research suggests that a major earthquake may considerably affect the timing and location of subsequent earthquakes.
D) Recent research suggests that a major earthquake may influence the time and place of subsequent earthquakes though this has not been the traditional view of scientists.
E) Scientists used to think that one large earthquake had no notable influence on the timing or location of the next one but recent research suggests this may not be the case.
A) Scientists used to think that there was no connection between one major earthquake and subsequent smaller ones, but new studies suggest there may be.B) Formerly scientists thought that one large earthquake could not possibly affect the timing or location of the next, but recent research suggests it may.
C) Contrary to what scientists used to think, recent research suggests that a major earthquake may considerably affect the timing and location of subsequent earthquakes.
D) Recent research suggests that a major earthquake may influence the time and place of subsequent earthquakes though this has not been the traditional view of scientists.
E) Scientists used to think that one large earthquake had no notable influence on the timing or location of the next one but recent research suggests this may not be the case.
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