Soruda karşılıklı konuşmanın boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek ifadeyi bulunuz.
- Is this the website you like best when it comes to scientific news?
- Yes, I suppose it is. It’s updated weekly and well-linked to related websites.
- ----
- That’s hard to say. So many scientific “facts” are being questioned these days.
B) Does it keep up with recent developments?
C) What’s the level? College stuff?
D) From a scientific point of view, how reliable is it?
E) Does it cover all the sciences?
A) Is it university-owned?B) Does it keep up with recent developments?
C) What’s the level? College stuff?
D) From a scientific point of view, how reliable is it?
E) Does it cover all the sciences?