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19 Mart 2014 Çarşamba

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 73, 74, 75, 76

73. – 76. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.
In his preface to Spaceflight Revolution, David Ashford recalls how he started his research into rocket motors. As he later explains, these were motors that would power a space plane  one that would launch space travellers and satellites cheaply and reliably into orbit. That was 1961. Ashford admits he would probably have taken another job if he’d known that, 42 years later, satellites would still be launched by rockets descended from ballistic missiles. The technology is there, but political and budgetary decisions have so far stopped space planes getting off the ground. But Ashford presents a compelling argument that a small orbital space plane would cost relatively little to design and develop the equivalent of just two shuttle flights.

73. As we understand from the passage, Ashford’s space plane project ----.

A) has made space travel extremely cheap and reliable
B) has been welcomed by political authorities and received much attention
C) has received no political or financial support since the early 1960s
D) has been proved faulty in the course of several trials
E) was originally inspired by ballistic missile technology

74. According to the passage, Ashford ----.

A) has not yet completed his research into rocket motors
B) feels that his decades-long work on rocket motors has been unjustly ignored
C) has written his book Spaceflight Revolution mainly to criticize politicians
D) has been recognized as a leading scientist in space research and rocket technology for quite some time now
E) has proposed a project which can only be realized if a sizeable budget is available

75. As can be understood from the passage, Ashford is firmly convinced that ----.

A) the development of a space plane would cost no more than two shuttle flights
B) politicians and financial authorities need to be careful about investing money in space projects
C) rockets bear no relation to ballistic missiles
D) there are many people eager to be space travellers and willing and able to pay a reasonable fare
E) his work on rocket motors has greatly contributed to space research

76. It is clear from the passage that there ----.

A) is an ongoing debate on the uses of ballistic missiles
B) is some discrepancy between Ashford’s words and his actions isolation in preference to living in a crowded city
C) is much public support for Ashford’s project
D) are many technological differences between Ashford’s rocket motors and the conventional rockets currently in use
E) is much concern among space scientists, including Ashford, about the ever-growing costs of the space programme in general and of shuttle flights in particular

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