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ÜDS etiketine sahip kayıtlar gösteriliyor. Tüm kayıtları göster

4 Nisan 2013 Perşembe

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 57, 58, 59, 60

57. – 60. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

How have terrestrial organisms met the environmental challenges of living on land? Life began in the oceans, but many life forms have since adapted to terrestrial life in a sea of air. Every single organism living on land has to meet the same environmental challenges: obtaining enough water; preventing excessive water loss; getting enough energy; and in polar regions, tolerating widely varying temperature extremes. How those challenges aremet varies from one organism to another, and in large part explains the diversity of life encountered on land today. Some animals avoid colder temperatures by migrating to warmer climates for the winter, whereas others avoid the cold by passing the winter in a dormant state called hibernation. Many plants also spend winter in a dormant state. The aerial parts of some plants die during the winter, but the underground parts remain alive; the following spring they resume metabolic activity and develop new aerial shoots. Many trees are deciduous; that is, they shed their leaves for the duration of their dormancy. Shedding leaves is actually an adaptation to the “dryness” of winter. Roots cannot absorb water from ground that is cold or frozen; by shedding its leaves the plant reduces water loss during the cold winter months when obtaining water from the soil is impossible.

57. It is pointed out in the passage that all terrestrial organisms ----.

A) in warm regions find it very hard to tolerate extreme temperatures
B) in polar regions live out the winter through hibernation
C) face the danger of extinction due to environmental challenges
D) have, one way or another, adapted themselves to environmental conditions
E) are most adversely affected by excessive water loss and cold temperatures

58. It is pointed out in the passage that the diversity of life on Earth ----.

A) is far more extensive in temperate climates than in colder ones
B) results from the variety of ways whereby organisms meet environmental challenges
C) is related to plants rather than other organisms
D) becomes far more apparent in spring than in winter
E) must be maintained through the conservation of the environment

59. One can understand from the passage that, for deciduous trees, the shedding of leaves ----.

A) increases the amount of water loss, which is a serious environmental challenge
B) increases their metabolic activity throughout winter
C) is an effective mechanism of resistance to heat
D) is a regular metabolic activity which is not related to environmental conditions
E) is a kind of hibernation that enables them to survive the cold winter months

60. It is clear from the passage that, for some animals, migration ----.

A) and hibernation are equally viable options
B) is comparatively easy
C) is indispensable for survival
D) causes a great deal of energy loss
E) involves various environmental challenges

ingilizce ders çalışma

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 56


Soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Most of the military robotic systems currently operating are airborne. (II) This is because robots for use in a ground war present serious problems as conditions are more complex and less predictable. (III) The Army’s first ground robots were devoted to mine-sweeping. (IV) For instance, what works in a desert will be unsuited to jungles. (V) Similarly,a machine designed for use in cities is unlikely to adapt to mountains.

A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V


A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V

ingilizce ders çalışma

ÜDS 2006 Mart İngilizce Fen Bilimleri Soru 54


Soruda cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

(I) Mother Columbian rainbow boas, Epicrates cenchria maurus, have the strange habit of eating some of their own young. (II) Now new research reveals why. (III) Within two weeks, these mothers regained their lost muscle. (IV) Stillborns and undeveloped eggs in a clutch, which the mother consumes soon after laying or giving birth, are rich in energy and contain a diversity of proteins and essential nutrients. (V) Therefore, maternal cannibalism leads to a quick recovery after giving birth.

A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V


A) I    B) II    C) III    D) IV    E) V

ingilizce ders çalışma